After yesterday’s major lovefest, I celebrate the anniversary of my birth today. The greatest gift for me on this day will always be the gift of life. And what a precious gift it is! So many of us complain about getting older. I don’t complain. It’s a blessing to see these numbers each year. Let them keep coming!
The older I get the less I value the superficial and material offerings that often accompany birthdays. That’s not what it’s about for me. What’s most important for me is being able to spend time with those that I love and being able to express how grateful I am to have them in my life. What’s most important is taking time to reflect on all that’s happened in the last year, thinking about what I want in the year ahead, and putting a plan in place to make it happen. What’s also important is doing all that I can to be happier, healthier, and better than I was last year.
On our birthday it’s important that we do exactly what we want to do. This is one day where we shouldn’t feel guilty about being selfish. We’ve earned it. We deserve it. And whether we want the celebration to last for a few days or for an entire month, it’s okay. I’m a shameless advocate for the month-long birthday celebration. (I recommend it to everybody!)
On this day, I am happy to be one year older, wiser, and better than I was last year. I am thankful for this life. I am grateful for my family, friends, mentors, supporters, and all the many blessings The Creator has brought my way. Let there be many more blessings to come!
~ BuddahDesmond