Weekly Musings on Life & Politics – Week 3

Sorry for the delay with posts this week.  School has seemingly taken over my life again.  With less than five weeks left in the semester and in my MBA program, I have had little time to sleep, socialize, or maintain consistency with anything outside the books.  The good thing, many would say, is that I’m in the homestretch.  It won’t be long now!

In the interim, I’d like to leave you with my musings on life and politics for the week.

  1. If one or a few groups of us have to be put down, cast aside, or degraded for the sake of “progress,” then we’ve failed as a society.
  2. Supremacy prevails when we don’t have access to the same chances and opportunities for a better life.
  3. Fear is a powerful yet crippling emotion.  It gives immense power to those who use it as a controlling mechanism, while it cripples and weakens those who fall prey or succumb to it.
  4. You have to want happiness.  You have to want change and/or want to change.  There’s nothing and no one that can wave the magic wand to make everything all better.  That’s for fairy tales.  This is real life.  Embrace it and play your part.
  5. What you look for in others may already lie within you.  Locate, realize, and tap into it.
  6. The understanding of why things happen to us may not come immediately.  But everything clicks when the reasons and learning lessons unveil themselves.  Life is funny that way, isn’t it?

My thoughts and prayers go out to all those who were impacted by Hurricane Sandy.  Hold on.  Be strong.  Everything will get better.

Weekly Musings on Life & Personal Empowerment – Week 2

This week’s musings are deal with life, and personal empowerment in particular.  It’s so easy to lose self, especially when there’s a lot at stake.  Have to remain grounded.  Have to know that who you are and what you bring to the table is enough.  If ever not, it’s time to go to another table. 

  1. You can plan your life all you want.  But you’d be a fool to think that everything in this life will always go as planned.  You know that you’re truly living when you can get through the parts of life that were not part of “the plan.”
  2.  For one who’s lived a life where all they’ve ever heard was “yes,” the true test of their character comes after hearing their first “no.”
  3. The less time you spend worrying about what’s wrong with others and how to change them, the more time you can devote to working on and changing yourself.  The power lies in changing you first and foremost.  Work to make a better you.
  4. Talk, especially when coming from people in positions of power, is nothing without meaning, purpose, and action.  Yes, it may sound good.  Yes, it may be full of passion and promise.  But without the substance of planning and actual work, talk fails on all the things that matter.
  5. Always look to the things that bring you joy and lift your spirit.  You’ll find comfort, motivation, inspiration, and reassurance in them during times of doubt, confusion, disappointment, need, and loss.
  6. When you’ve given or done your best—and you know that you have—there’s really nothing more anyone can ask of you.
  7. We all have to make choices and compromises in this life.  But dimming your light or changing yourself for the sake of others should never be one of them. Stand proudly and firmly in your light.  Your light is what makes you unique.

Alice Walker’s "Democratic Womanism"

 Image courtesy of the New York Daily News site.

I want to vote and work for a way of life
that honors the feminine;
a way that acknowledges
the theft of the wisdom
female and dark Mother leadership
might have provided our spaceship
all along.
I am not thinking
of a talking head
kind of gal:
happy to be mixing
it up
with the baddest
bad boys
on the planet
her eyes a slit
her mouth a zipper.
No, I am speaking of true
regime change.
Where women rise
to take their place
en masse
at the helm
of earth’s frail and failing ship…
~ Alice Walker, “Democratic Womanism,” 2012 

During an interview with Amy Goodman on Democracy Now, writer and activist Alice Walker recited her poem “Democratic Womanism,” written in honor of the late Kenyan Nobel Peace Prize laureate Wangari Maathai.”  In this poem, she challenges us to rethink the current practices of our leadership and to question the effectiveness of a political system that has only let its people down, and has led to the further destruction of life and the well-being of the planet.  “Democratic Womanism” encourages us to look towards the wisdom of women, as they have have so expertly led, managed, and taken care of all aspects life and the planet.  By doing so, we ultimately have a chance to change the course of life and our world.

What does Walker’s “Democratic Womanism” mean to you?  What is its relevance in relation to the 2012 election?

Power of Love: A Contemporary Aside (from ‘Prevail’)

Nothing’s worse than men obsessed with power,

Having the all-consuming ability to exercise control and influence 
     over others,
Like beasts foaming at the mouth with the high of going in for the 

Maybe it’s the elevated nature of the position,
This putting-on-a-pedestal type treatment.
Or it’s simply a common case of ego,
When all of the attention has blown one’s head up to the size of a 
     Goodyear blimp,
When arrogance and ignorance have taken the place of humanity, 
     decency, and common sense.

There’s this godlike attitude,
This I-can-do-no-wrong mentality,
This holier-than-thou, my-way-is-the-only-way-because-there-is-no-other-way frame of mind.
But let me put it to you quite simply—your shit stinks too.

You may make decisions about the economy, education, 
     healthcare, defense, and other facets of our government and 
But you will never have the power to control the heart,
For the heart cannot be contained.
You will never be able to control anyone’s ability to love,
For love is divine.
You will never be able to tell anyone who they can or cannot love,
For love is essential to living.
Like breathing,
It’s a natural thing
That cannot be controlled by man—
Love is too powerful.
It’s stronger than man.
Continuing to push the issue
Will not make it any better.
Continuing to push the issue
Will make things worse,
Causing us to divide even further.

Love is not a choice.
And who you happen to love
and who happens to love you is not an alternative lifestyle.
There is nothing alternative about love.
Love is an essential part of life.
Essential to feeling complete.
There is no substitute;
There is no alternative to something we all have an innate need 
     for and right to experience and share.
Love will forever reign supreme.

Prevail: Poems on Life, Love, and Politics is available at iUniverse, Amazon (Paperback | Hardcover | Kindle), Barnes & Noble, Book-A-Million (Paperback | Hardcover), and other retailers.   

BuddahDesmond Reading Poetry at OutWrite 2012 [VIDEO]

There’s something about performing that makes it unlike anything else on this planet.  The energy you get from the audience is intoxicating.  Performing gives you a natural high that can take hours, even days, to come down from.  I’ve said it before but performing takes me to a higher, deeper, spiritual place.

It’s been a few months but I’m happy to share excerpts of my poetry reading from the head / heart / soul event as part of OutWrite 2012.  This fabulous event took place at the The DC Center on August 4, 2012.  I will always look back on the event with much joy, as it was an honor to read alongside talented poets/writers such as Rashid Darden, Monica A. Hand, and Red Summer. 

BuddahDesmond reading “Power of Love: A Contemporary Aside” from the “Love” section of Prevail

BuddahDesmond reading “Tonight” from the “Life” section of Prevail


Video of my entire reading will be forthcoming.  Prevail: Poems on Life, Love, and Politics is available at iUniverse, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, and other retailers.  If you like it/love it, please spread the word.  

Related Posts:

  1. OutWrite 2012 Was a Success
  2. 101 Days Project: Prevail
  3. Day 72: Prevail (Title Poem)

101 Days Project: Prevail

One of my biggest accomplishments this year has been the release of my first book Prevail: Poems on Life, Love, and PoliticsPrevail was self-published through iUniverse and released the summer of 2012.  Prevail is an eye-opening collection of poetry inspired by personal experiences, history, culture, and social issues of the last 10 or 12 years.  Varying in subject matter, voice, and tone, this work touches on the ups and downs, highs and lows, trials and tribulations, and the many facets of life, love, and politics during this time period. With a style that is, at times, proselike, unconventional, raw, and in-your-face, Prevail seeks to offer an underlying message of strength, persistence, and triumph.

The feedback on Prevail has been quite positive, thus far.  There’s nothing like sharing your work and seeing it have an impact and connect with others.  Nothing can describe the feeling.  

I’ve shared a number of poems from Prevail on my blog and some other posts related to promotional opportunities for the book.  If you haven’t had the chance to check them out, please do.  

Remember, no matter happens in this life–we must PREVAIL! 

  1. Announcing the Release of My First Book – Prevail
  2. Day 86: Gone Too Soon (from Prevail)
  3. Day 75: Flash In The Pan 
  4. Day 72: Prevail (Title Poem)
  5. I’ll Be Appearing at OutWrite 2012 in DC
  6. Day 79: OutWrite 2012 Was a Success
  7. 5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… BuddahDesmond on JoeyPinkney.com

Other Prevail Poems:

  1. I’ll Never Understand
  2. Past, Present, and Future
  3. Normal?
  4. When Hate Kills
  5. Luther Is Love (A Tribute to Luther Vandross)
  6. The P/H Factor – Phyllis Hyman: Tribute to a Sophisticated Lady
  7. Politricking

Prevail: Poems on Life, Love, and Politics is available at iUniverse, Amazon (Paperback | Hardcover | Kindle), Barnes & Noble, Book-A-Million (Paperback | Hardcover), and other retailers. 

101 Days Project: Anecdotes & Inspirational Writing

When working on the 101 Days Project, there were several periods where I was not churning out poetry and prose the way I normally would.  If remembering correctly, there were times when I wasn’t writing creatively at all.  But that soon changed one day while on my way home from work on the train.  The muse returned and the words started coming to me in the form of anecdotes.  These writings, many of them brief, were about everything from communication and relationships to self-esteem/self-love and spirituality.  Check out some of my favorites:

  1. Day 33: Loving Yourself
  2. Day 28: Getting Beyond Blame
  3. Day 89: Many Ways to Get to the Ultimate Destination
  4. Day 97: Making Dreams Happen
  5. Day 25: Fear
  6. Day 23: Faith & Determination
  7. Day 41: Apologies
  8. Day 30: Obligation & Convenience in Relationships
  9. Day 34: Communication
  10. Day 37: Love & Bills

Day 98: I’m Voting for Progress – Obama Biden 2012

Image courtesy of San Antonio Express site.
If you reject the notion that this nation’s promise is reserved for the few, your voice must be heard in this election. ~ President Barack Obama, DNC 2012 Speech

I want to live an America where we all have the same opportunities.  An America where we all have the chance to live up to our fullest potential and achieve our dreams.  An America where we all have access to the resources, services, and programs to maintain acceptable well-being, welfare, and livelihood.  Because it’s about access, equality, and leveling the playing field, and not about entitlements or what we “deserve.”

I want to live an America where the wealthy are not rewarded for being wealthy and held accountable to the same standards and expectations of the working class and the poor.  I want to live an America where I don’t have to make a case or fight for rights that are inalienable, because they are human rights granted for all.  I want to live an America where the rights of corporations do not trump the rights of the people.  Because after all, there wouldn’t be any corporations if it weren’t for the hard work and service of the people.

I want to live in an America where those that fight for the civil rights and freedoms of Americans and our brothers and sisters from nations abroad are not left to falter when they return home.  An America that will look to its people to help maintain its competitive edge instead of looking abroad just save a few bucks.  An America that will treat all of its people equally regardless of whether we were born here or are immigrants.  Because we’re all here for the same things…we’re all dreamers.

For those of us that believe and share in the dream and this country we call home, we’re more than willing to be diligent and work collectively to move this nation forward.  We must not succumb to the propaganda, lies, and false promises of those who hold their personal interests above the interests of the people they represent.  We must stand for up what we believe and support the officials who share in these beliefs, and will honor them while holding office.  That’s why I’m voting for President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden.  They have and will continue to fight for America, its people, and the promise of its future.

I’m voting for progress, not regression.  I hope we all will do the same.


Day 97: Making Dreams Happen

Image from OutWrite 2012 in DC, taken by Author Donald Peebles

When everything else falls short, our dreams are sometimes the only things that can pull us through.  When you wake up each morning and go to bed every night yearning to break out and bring your passions to life, you’re eventually going to have to make a decision.  Either you’re going to continue living a life unfulfilled or you’re going to commit yourself to working towards a fulfilled life where you achieve your dreams.  I’m glad that I finally made the decision on November 27, 2011 to make a serious push towards achieving one of my lifelong dreams.

On November 27, 2011 I submitted the initial draft of my manuscript to be self-published through iUniverse.  For at least three years, I’d been toying with the idea of publishing my first volume of poetry.  For whatever reason, I was conflicted.  I take that back.  For several reasons, I was conflicted.  I’d given so much of myself away to my job and school and other entities outside of myself, that there didn’t seem to be much time or energy left to focus on what truly mattered to me.   I doubted my talent and wondered if I really had what takes to make it.  And I got caught up in others’ and society’s expectations of what I should be doing with my life.  I found myself trying to adhere to standards and live a life that I didn’t want and that didn’t fit me personally.  I suffered because of it and had to work to rebuild and get myself back on track.

So in the months leading up to submitting my manuscript, I eventually said, “Fuck it!”  I was tired of being depressed.  I was tired of doing things I wasn’t passionate about and could really give two shits and a side of fuck about.  I realized that there was no better time than right now to go after what I wanted.  I couldn’t blame anyone else but myself if I got to a point in my life where I was completely frustrated, disappointed, and angry about what I did and did not accomplish.  The blame would definitely fall within no realm but my own if I committed to the quest of living the life dictated by others.  So I went to work.  I did research on how I should go about getting my work published, talked with friends and others about their experiences publishing and what advice they had for me moving forward, and continued nurturing my craft.  And in roughly six months time, my book Prevail: Poems on Life, Love, and Politics was available for public consumption.

It fills me up with so much pride and joy seeing my book in print.  It’s a major accomplishment, and I’m glad I finally pursued it. Now that my book is out, work hasn’t stopped.  I’m still writing, networking, and planning for signings, readings, and other appearances to promote my work and myself.  I’ve also begun work on my next project (more on that in another post, I promise).  The focus for me is becoming a full-time writer.  Outside of my writings about music, entertainment, pop culture, I’m most interested in writing about the human condition and the many things that we experience in our day-to-day lives.  My writing—be it poetry, song lyrics, short stories, or prose—can, at times, be raw, confrontational, and confessional.  As people who’ve read my writing have said, it’s engaging and it’s real.  I’ve long since realized my style is not for everybody.  However, if my writing resonates and touches just a few people, then I’m on the right path.

While writing is one of my passions, the dreaming doesn’t stop there.  I’m in the process of achieving two other dreams.  The first is finishing my MBA (which will be completed December 2012) and the second is becoming a voice over actor/artist (which I’m training for as we speak).  And I have others, that, in time, I will continue to nurture and work to achieve.

It’s great to have dreams.  We should all be encouraged to dream.  But nothing is sadder than when we don’t go after or put in the work to make our dreams come to life.  It’s critical that we do not let anything or anyone (and that includes ourselves) stand in the way.  And you can’t give up if success doesn’t happen immediately or happen in the way you think it should.  Always be open and flexible to what the universe may bring you.  It may be better than anything you ever dreamed or anticipated.

Whatever you do—keep dreaming and keep achieving.  Live your destiny.

Prevail: Poems on Life, Love, and Politics is available at iUniverse, Amazon (Paperback | Hardcover & Kindle, Barnes & Noble, Book-A-Million (Paperback | Hardcover), and other retailers.

Day 94: The Ultimate

Your tongue dances all over my body.
Your kisses walk upon my face.
Your hands swim into my skin.
Your valley is my playground,
once I enter I never want to leave.
Your love saved the stomach of my heart from being
Your mind nourishes my mind.
Your body is the sculpture of my passion.
Your are the essence of perfect love,
And I am your reciprocal makeup.
We are two rivers,
Connected by a stream of love.
We flow into each other
Sharing, giving, transporting, and providing nutrients,
     nurture, and nourishment.
The ultimate is this existence of love.
© BuddahDesmond