Inaugural Poet Richard Blanco’s "One Today"

Image courtesy of NPR‘s website.

Richard Blanco made history on Monday, January 21, 2013 by being the first Latino (Cuban American), openly gay, and youngest inaugural poet.  Blanco, also a Civil Engineer and teacher, got into writing poetry later in life.  In an interview on
the PBS News Hour, Blanco says, “…after I graduated from engineering, I started, as I say, doodling around with poetry, fooling around with poetry, then went to a creative writing course at a community college, at Miami-Dade Community College. And then the one thing led to another. And as they say, the rest is history.

We head home: through the gloss of rain or weight
of snow, or the plum blush of dusk, but always—home,
always under one sky, our sky. And always one moon
like a silent drum tapping on every rooftop
and every window, of one country—all of us—
facing the stars
hope—a new constellation
waiting for us to map it,
waiting for us to name it—together.
~ Richard Blanco, “One Today” (2013)

Blanco’s work is noted for its descriptiveness, beautiful imagery, and its discussion of identity, culture, inclusion, and place in society.  His inaugural poem “One Today,” is one of unity and highlights the connection that we Americans share.  Regardless of background, class, religion, sexual orientation, education, race, ethnicity, we’re all in this together.  We must not let the often underhanded and divisive tactics of political, social, and religious figures and organizations paint a different picture.  We are one.  And Blanco’s “One Today,” is a beautiful example of this and the ties that bind us together.

Richard Blanco’s works of poetry include: City of a Hundred Fires (1998), Nowhere But Here (2004), Directions to the Beach of the Dead (2005), and Looking for the Gulf Motel (2012).

Our America

(Written in Praise of President Obama and Vice President Biden’s victory in the 2012 Election.)

Image courtesy of Just Jared site.

Our America is not one that is steeped in homogeneity.  Our America is ever changing, evolving.  It doesn’t always look like you, sound like you, love like you, or believe like you.  In our America, our differences don’t create problems.  They bring about unity.  They showcase the beauty of diversity and inclusion, not inferiority and hatred.  

In Our America, access doesn’t come with million or billion dollar price tags.  Opportunities exist for all, especially all who believe in themselves and are committed to diligence.  While Our America is not perfect, it cannot keep up the status quo just to appease the good ole boys.  Only doing this will forsake itself, its people, and the world by not adapting to change and by not allowing new perspectives and styles of leadership to come to the forefront.  

Change, the right changeespecially when given the opportunity to blossomis essential to our livelihood, our growth, our productivity, and our economy.  Our America needs to move forward.  Our America needs progress.  Let our America prevail!

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The Power Of Your Voice
Day 98: I’m Voting for Progress – Obama Biden 2012
Day 96: Michelle Obama at the DNC 2012
Desperation (from Prevail)

Day 99: 9/11—Day of Remembrance

The true legacy of 9/11 will not be one of fear or hate or division. It will be a safer world; a stronger nation; and a people more united than ever before. ~ President Obama during the September 11th Observance Ceremony at the Pentagon Memorial, Sept. 11, 2012:

Rest in peace to the many who lost their lives on 9/11. My prayers go out to their loved ones. We will never forgot you. Humanity is doomed in a world where hate prevails. May we continue to strive for harmony, unity, and peace in this world.

Day 98: I’m Voting for Progress – Obama Biden 2012

Image courtesy of San Antonio Express site.
If you reject the notion that this nation’s promise is reserved for the few, your voice must be heard in this election. ~ President Barack Obama, DNC 2012 Speech

I want to live an America where we all have the same opportunities.  An America where we all have the chance to live up to our fullest potential and achieve our dreams.  An America where we all have access to the resources, services, and programs to maintain acceptable well-being, welfare, and livelihood.  Because it’s about access, equality, and leveling the playing field, and not about entitlements or what we “deserve.”

I want to live an America where the wealthy are not rewarded for being wealthy and held accountable to the same standards and expectations of the working class and the poor.  I want to live an America where I don’t have to make a case or fight for rights that are inalienable, because they are human rights granted for all.  I want to live an America where the rights of corporations do not trump the rights of the people.  Because after all, there wouldn’t be any corporations if it weren’t for the hard work and service of the people.

I want to live in an America where those that fight for the civil rights and freedoms of Americans and our brothers and sisters from nations abroad are not left to falter when they return home.  An America that will look to its people to help maintain its competitive edge instead of looking abroad just save a few bucks.  An America that will treat all of its people equally regardless of whether we were born here or are immigrants.  Because we’re all here for the same things…we’re all dreamers.

For those of us that believe and share in the dream and this country we call home, we’re more than willing to be diligent and work collectively to move this nation forward.  We must not succumb to the propaganda, lies, and false promises of those who hold their personal interests above the interests of the people they represent.  We must stand for up what we believe and support the officials who share in these beliefs, and will honor them while holding office.  That’s why I’m voting for President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden.  They have and will continue to fight for America, its people, and the promise of its future.

I’m voting for progress, not regression.  I hope we all will do the same.